Although many folks likely got a good deal of their holiday shopping done on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday, most likely also have a few items left...
Did somebody say PIE?!!! Hear "DD," and the first business that probably comes to mind is Dunkin' Donuts. But for Anne Arundel County residents in the know, it stands for...
ARE YOU CYBERSAFE and CYBERSECURE?! Whether you think you are or not, the answer is that you're probably not as much as you could be. With this in mind, we...
They say nothing in life is certain except for death and taxes. But as every parent (and everyone who's ever been a kid!) knows, there's something else that definitely belongs...
Looking for a new restaurant to try? Or maybe wondering what culinary concoctions are coming to Anne Arundel County next? Then tune in to this special episode of the My...
Our waterways are what help make Anne Arundel so special. That's why we're featuring an entrepreneur helping to make the water accessible and fun for all in the newest episode...
This year AAEDC launched a minority business growth program called Inclusive Ventures convened by Keasha Haythe here in our office. In addition to education, growth guidance, and a $5,000 seed...
At the end of March we sat down with Kim Groves, CEO of KCW Engineering Technologies, Inc. to talk about leading and life values. Accepting the Baltimore Business Journal 2020...
2020. A year like no other. But one thing for sure is there will never be a shortage of uplifting stories in our Anne Arundel community! Look back with us...
Who is the face behind the #StrongerTogether pandemic movement and why is Blk Ankr Originals LLC "more than just a t-shirt"? In our newest in-depth podcast episode get to know...
For all media inquiries, please contact:
Victoria Zelefsky
P 410-222-7410
E [email protected]