There are a number of programs that incentivize the redevelopment of mature or blighted business corridors in Anne Arundel County. The goals of these investments are to increase property values, attract businesses that create jobs and anchor a community and improve the quality of life.
Arundel Community Reinvestment (ACR) Fund: Owners of property in designated revitalization areas in the county may qualify for loans up to $100,000 to be repaid over three to seven years at zero percent interest. Areas include Anne Arundel County’s 11 Commercial Revitalization Districts, the area at inner West Street in Annapolis from Church Circle to Chinquapin Round Road and the county’s one state-designated Enterprise Zone in Brooklyn Park. Loans cover renovations and upgrades to building exteriors and site improvements, including landscaping. For a limited time, loan recipients may also receive a grant equal to 25% of the loan amount.
Community Revitalization Tax Credit: Owners of property located in one of Anne Arundel County’s 11 designated Commercial Revitalization districts may qualify for a credit for up to five years equal to the incremental increase in real property tax assessment for improvements of at least $100,000 of assessed value. Improvements include the construction of a new building, rehabilitation of an existing building, or the demolition and subsequent construction of a commercial property.
Enterprise Zones: The State of Maryland has designated more than 1,500 acres in Brooklyn Park as the county’s sole Enterprise Zone. Businesses located in this Enterprise Zone may qualify for real property and state income tax credits in return for job creation and investments.
Opportunity Zones: Anne Arundel County has four tracts, one in Odenton and three in Brooklyn Park, that have been designated an an Opportunity Zone. These areas are considered economically-distressed communities where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment.
Click here for the Commercial Revitalization flyer and map.