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Baltimore Business Journal Highlights First AAEDC VOLT Growth Fund Award

September 1, 2021

The Baltimore Business Journal recently included the news that AAEDC has named Crownsville-based Plus Up, LLC the first small business to benefit from its VOLT Growth Fund (VGF).

The news was included in BBJ’s August roundup of deals completed by tech businesses in the Greater Baltimore region:

Deal roundup: Local firms developing Covid tech get NSF cash, Loyola U launching angel fund

Here’s the writeup on Plus Up:

Plus Up LLC, a Crownsville tech firm, received a $100,000 loan from the Anne Arundel Economic Development Corp. (AAEDC). The loan was awarded as part of the corporation’s VOLT Growth Fund, which aims to help tech product companies grow revenue, accelerate sales and expand their workforce. Plus Up will use the loan to fund commercialization efforts for Goodtimer, an electronic educational toy that encourages kids to form healthy habits using positive reinforcement.

Created by AAEDC, VGF is part of the state’s gaming revenue-funded VLT program and aims to help Maryland-based high-growth innovative and technology product companies implement a go-to-market strategy and accelerate sales. AAEDC began managing the VLT on behalf of the Maryland Department of Commerce in May 2013, and has directed over $14,389,057 in total funds to 112 businesses since.

Learn more about the VOLT Growth Fund or the general VOLT Fund.

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