The Maryland Defense Technology Commercialization (DefTech) Center is an entrepreneurial resource to facilitate the licensing of DoD technologies developed at the National Security Agency/Fort Meade and other labs in Maryland such as Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) and Ft. Detrick.
Are you:
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the DefTech Center can help! Services offered include:
Def Tech Center is a statewide collaborative partnership between government, non-profit, and industry to encourage the commercial use of defense technologies developed within the DoD labs in Maryland. In its first year as a pilot in the APG community, DefTech activities resulted in seven companies committing to T2commercialization agreements. DefTech, led by the Maryland Department of Commerce, was established in 2018 by DoD Office of Economic Adjustment funding, and expanded in 2019 with U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration funding.
Downloadable Def Tech Brochure.
The DoD laboratories located in Maryland which have a partnership with the Def Tech Center include:
Learn more about the DefTech Center by visiting TEDCO’s DefTech page.